This car is sold
This Z3 Coupé has been serviced until 2021 and has no outstanding services. All old MOT certificates and invoices for the vehicle are on file. The car is on a different wheel-tyre combination and has been lowered by 50 mm with a sports suspension and spacers. A sports rear silencer was also installed. Everything is registered in the car document. Before this Z3 Coupé leaves us, we would do a fresh service and renew the MOT. Visually, the vehicle is in a well-maintained condition and can be test-driven by appointment.
Once shunned today sought after. Due to its unusual shape, the BMW Z3 Coupe looks more like an estate car that has been washed too hot. In the beginning, the lack of popularity was reflected in the price of the vehicle. Today, a Z3 Coupe is more popular than ever. I also think the closed Z3 shape is the most beautiful of all Z models.
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